Mad World by Gary Jules

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The big picture...

This blog sucks for anybody with A.D.D. or no time on their hands. Some of the stories and video on here are long but worth it. If you haven't seen the blog lately go through several of the most recent post, some of the news I've gathered has been great. Thanks for visiting!

The RentenDollar: A conspiracy theory OR Please tell me where I’m wrong.

Posted By Larry Correia on his blog
"Monster Hunter Nation"

(The background history in the beginning of this article is kinda long but wait until you come to the conclusions near the end! I think Larry has a pretty clear view.)

Late last night I came up with my very own conspiracy theory. It seemed a little odd at the time, but as I’ve continued to think it over, I’ve not yet been able to poke any significant holes in it. Of course, it is the kind of thing that an accountant turned science fiction author would come up with.

Basically, I’m starting to think that certain factions within our government actively want hyperinflation to occur as a surefire method of instituting de-facto communism in America…

Crazy, right? I know, you’re thinking that surely Correia has gone off the deep end and spouting off all sorts of doomsday nonsense, but hear me out first.

As many of you know, I’m a history geek. Last year I wrote my first alternative history novel set in 1932. Because I’m a stickler for authenticity, I did an absurd amount of research. I read every book I could get my hands on about what is normally called the interwar period. I mostly concentrated on American history/culture but I also learned a bit about the Weimar Republic.

The interesting factoids about the Weimar Republic that most of us remember is that it was the home of hyperinflation (remember the wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread) and eventually it also gave us one of history’s greatest scumbags, Hitler. Other than that, most Americans don’t really know much about the Weimar Republic.

Okay, but where did the hyperinflation come from? I’m going to greatly simplify this because A. I’m a writer and accountant, not a historian, go to Wikipedia and B. This is only for a background to draw a comparison to what we’re doing right now.

The Weimar Republic (If I recall correctly, they actually called themselves the Deutsch Reich) came about after WWI. The German Empire had fallen apart, leadership fled, and for the next couple of years there were several battles fought between different factions of communists, socialists, and conservatives. (and when I say conservative it isn’t what it means here and now. I mean conservative back toward the empire, royalty, and all that entails). These were not polite political discussions. These were a series of violent mini-revolts where various cities would go off and declare themselves independent, like the Soviet State of Munich. Then a bunch of communists and the “Freikorps” would clash in the streets, then repeat a week later in a different city. It was bad.

Eventually the Weimar Republic was formed from the different groups, and immediately it had a whole new set of problems. The Germans signed the treaty of Versailles, they gave up a bunch of territory, and even worse, then took on a massive war debt and an agreement to basically pay the allies for the biggest war in history.

So what does a government, which is already sitting on a very damaged economy, do in order to pay this debt? They printed more money. Sounding familiar yet?

It got worse. As the Weimar printed more money, their government got more bloated, and ate up even more of their resources. (at one point a chancellor laid off several hundred thousand government employees to try and make ends meet). As their money inflated and became more useless, France got tired of not getting paid, and being jerks, invaded and took over the Ruhr, which was one of the most productive regions in Germany. This caused a drop in production, and then everybody else went on strike.

Meanwhile, the money kept inflating to levels that people couldn’t even understand. Back during the war, the Mark was something like 4 to 1 against the dollar. By the time they hit hyperinflation, they’d gone to millions to 1, and by the end, it was literally trillions to a single dollar. They would print new bills, and a few days later all they were good for was note paper. This is where the stories about the wheelbarrow full of money for bread comes from. To put this in perspective, this would be like you filling the trunk of your car with twenty dollar bills and then using all those trash bags full of money to buy some shoelaces and a tube of toothpaste.

So basically Germany was totally screwed.

So how did they get out of it? Contrary to what most Americans think, it wasn’t Hitler that came along and fixed Germany’s economic problems and turned them into an industrial powerhouse war machine through the sheer power of him being a complete ass. There was actually a time period in the thirties that the Weimer knew as the Golden Years, because they’d finally gotten much of their economy back under control.

They rebooted their currency. If I recall correctly, their new currency was called the Rentenmark. They introduced the Rentenmark, and you could trade in your trillions of crappy marks for one of them. It went back to 4-1 with the dollar. Now here’s the thing. You can’t just change the name and have new currency. Your currency has to actually be based on something. (kind of like how the dollar is based on good feelings and rainbows).

They based it on land. It was the one asset that the government could go and take over to use as a base asset, and land is always valuable because they aren’t making any more of it. Congratulations land owners, all your dirt belongs to us, but people were so desperate (and tired of carrying buckets of silly money around) that it didn’t matter. They were desperate, and desperate times called for desperate (and sometimes stupid) measures. Using the new asset-backed Rentenmarks, Germany was able to start paying their debts again and get on with a semblance of normalcy, well at least until they elected a bunch of lunatics in snazzy uniforms.

So why this long story? Because it is to compare with what we’re doing ourselves. Right now the United States is on the path to hyperinflation. CBO is predicting that by 2020, our debt will be 90% of our GDP. (EDIT: As was pointed out in the comments, my information there was wrong. We’ll hit 90% way way earlier than that, so it is even worse) Think about that for a second. That would be like if you had a $50,000 a year job, but you owed vicious thumb-breaking loan sharks $45,000 that was still collecting interest. Our entitlements are bankrupting us. Even before Health Control (because if you believe the government is going to spend a trillion bucks and cut the deficit, you must sleep in a helmet) we’re only a few years from all our tax dollars only being able to pay for Medicare, Social Security, and interest on our debt. That’s it.

Now, what happens when you as an individual can’t pay your debts or pay your bills on time? Your credit rating goes down. And when your credit rating goes down, you can no longer get that low interest Visa-Black-Platinum-Playboy card (with Sky Miles!) you can now only get the Soup-Kitchen-Discover card at 280% interest. Many people don’t realize it, but governments have credit ratings too. Right now we’ve got a great one, based on ‘because we’re so awesome’. But we’re getting really close to losing our good credit rating, (because awesome will only get you so far before you actually have to pay the bills) when that happens, all of those already really bad estimates about our future debt are going to get far worse. How much worse? Have you ever played Fallout 3 on the Xbox? Kind of like that.

So while we’re on our way to Thunder Dome, the government is printing dollars like crazy, faster than ever before, with no signs of letting up. Inflation is coming. When the credit rating tanks and the entitlements get worse (or the oil currency switches to something else) hello, Master Blaster! We’re in deep trouble. We’re looking at hyperinflation. Dollars worth nothing, burning them to keep warm would be more efficient, kind of thing.

Yet the government, that surely has some smart people in it, continues to increase our spending, increase our debt load, and do things that are the exact opposite of fiscally responsible. It is almost as if they want the system to collapse…

Then I remember the Weimar Republic. They had hyperinflation. How did they get out of it? By rebooting the currency. What was the new currency based on? Land. Land is an asset.

The government is gobbling up land out west like crazy. Every time we discover a deposit of oil or coal out here, the government immediately discovers a snail or a flower on it that might be endangered and grabs a couple hundred thousand more acres. The government is trying to kick 18,000 people out of their homes in Colorado to put in a new “tank range”.

But that wouldn’t be enough. Think beyond land. Think assets.

Fanny May and Freddy Mac now hold something like 50% of the mortgages in the US. The government has recently either directly taken over, or regulated the living crap out of our auto industry, insurance industry, banking and finance industry, and now health care…

The people of the Weimar were so desperate, that they would do anything to get out of their economic crisis.

Let’s imagine a hypothetical situation here. Let’s say that in a decade or so, our currency has collapsed. We owe far more than we produce. Companies are failing. Because all of our tax dollars are used just to pay for our debt, taxes have to be raised, which causes even more unemployment and decreased production. Entitlements can’t be met. The current economic crisis looks awesome in comparison, but there is no possible way out, because our money is now worthless.

So… Reboot the currency. Make a new RentenDollar.

The media can even point out what a fantastic idea this is because historically, it has worked before! The politicians will tell us that this is the only way and we must act quickly! People are desperate and will be told that “the private system has failed! Only government intervention can save us now!” (gee, why does that sound soooo familiar?)

Sure, they caused the problem, but that isn’t what most people will think, but as they’ve shown, they don’t really care what we think anyway. They will not let a good crisis go to waste. There is only one teensy downside to this reboot though…

See, the RentenDollar can’t be based on good feelings like the old dollar, it must be based on ASSETS. And since the capitalist system has failed, and the government has already got its fingers in all these various companies, instead of just regulating these companies, why shouldn’t the government just own them?

All those mortgages? They now belong to the government. Banks? Belong to the government. Industrial production? Government. Medical. Government. They’re assets, and they’re necessary to back our new currency.

You don’t like it? People are starving. There are riots in the streets. Cities are burning. We have to act now! Won’t somebody think of the children! There’s no time to read this 9,000 page bill! HURRY!

…And just like that, America has become a communist country. State control and ownership of everything.

So, let’s poke some holes in my late night theory. Please, somebody tell me how this is impossible. Maybe we’re not heading for an economic collapse. Maybe we’re not going to have hyperinflation. If anybody has any evidence of that, I’d love to hear it, because this is kind of depressing.

Or, the other way that this idea could be silly and implausible is if there was no possible way that elements within our government would want to exercise total control over our lives… Yeah… that’s just absurd.

Ask yourself this one question. Do you believe that our current federal government, if presented with the opportunity, would take over and control everything? Yes or No.

Help me out here, guys. I’m not getting any warm feelings from this.

"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get." -- Ian Williams Goddard

Lastly I recently read a pamplet put out by the State Department in 1961, publication #7277, it's called "Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World". This publication is current policy and has not been repealed. This publication outlines three stages to total disarmament of the United States and the rest of the world. It then talks about setting up the U.N. as the worlds only army and police force to govern all nations.

Can you see what I see?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tent Cities

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

~Thomas Jefferson

Obamacare Not Such a Good Deal for Kids and Young Adults

I decided to call a couple of my representatives today to let them know that they should be ashamed for passing the health care bill and selling out their constituents. When I explained to one young intern that forcing me to pay for a service I don't use is an added tax burden, I couldn't believe what he told me next. He said that if the insurance premiums are too expensive for me they offer subsidies to help pay for it. I told him he's missing the point, It's a service I don't want or need. I don't want to be forced to buy it and I don't want subsidies to help pay for it. I told him subsidies don't magically appear out of thin air, it either gets taken from somebody else or gets piled onto the national debt, neither of which is right. This thing they call a "Health Care Bill" hires 16,500 new IRS agents not 16,500 new Doctors and Nurses, who are they trying to fool?

While reading the Constitution today I found something interesting:

Under Article 1, section 9, looks like paragraph 4, it reads:

"No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid."

What is capitation?

cap·i·ta·tion (kp-tshn)
A fixed payment remitted at regular intervals to a medical provider by a managed care organization for an enrolled patient.

capitation /cap·i·ta·tion/ (kap″ĭ-ta´shun) the annual fee paid to a physician or group of physicians by each participant in a health plan.

a payment method for health care services. The physician, hospital, or other health care provider is paid a contracted rate for each member assigned, referred to as "per-member-per-month" rate, regardless of the number or nature of services provided. The contractual rates are usually adjusted for age, gender, illness, and regional differences.

While I'm at it, under Article 1, section 8 it says-

Congress has the power to: "raise and support armies, but no Appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years."

That's funny this Iraq/Afganistan/Pakistan thing is the longest war America has EVER been in, what's it been 8 years now!? This war has gone on longer than the Civil War,WWI, WWII, or Vietnam. I guess the constitution doesn't limit un-constitutional undeclared wars. What a waste....

America the Pacified: Atrocities in Afghanistan......WHOA......

Reconciliation Act H.R.4872 Brings Microchipping to America More awful things tucked into the 2,500 page health care bill. YIPPEEE!!!!

Is a Biometric Identity Card the Key to Immigration Reform? Bull shit....excuse my French.

Mexico wants America to ban Assault Rifles. Legalize grass and those Mexican gangs lose all their power. What? too a damn wall then. Or do like Maxine says and dig a moat and use the dirt to fill in New Orleans.

FBI Agent Discovered at Center of Alleged Hutaree Militia Conspiracy

On a funny side note, someone told me today "if you want to start a movement, eat a prune." Today I had unwittingly started a revolution after sipping on a jug of organic prune juice all day long. I have to admit I had no idea what prunes could do to you. I know now....

Monday, March 29, 2010


The Strange Case of Kristopher Sickles and the Hutaree Militia From, Alex Jones interviews Kristopher Sickles AKA "Pale Horse" from the Hutaree Militia whos members were recently arrested in an FBI raid. Here is the 4part video.

Feds Release Indictment Against Michigan Militia

A Friend sent me this music video....

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. This country was founded on it. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to exercise their second ammendment rights. Everyone should own a gun or three. But people should exhaust all other means of gaining control of an out of control government before resorting to violence (as Alex points out). I don't think we've done that, not by a long shot. I consider myself way more active than the average Joe and I still don't do very much. We need to know the truth, accept it, and get pissed off. Once we get to that stage you need to grab a hold of that volcano of energy and direct it in clear and positive ways.

I agree with Alex that we need to get off our lazy butts and get involved! It's easy to sit back and watch the country go to heck but the noble thing to do is put some effort into making things right. We need to be active in our local, state, and national governments. Smart uncorruptible individuals need to run for office. That's not all, the hippies raised a pretty big fuss and stopped the Vietnam War. Running for office isn't the only job that needs to be done, we need people informing other people, connecting, and talking to their co-workers. We need people passing out pamphlets, putting up posters, painting murals, and organizing rallies. In the 60's they had the draft to get them stirred to action. Today they just pay some private mercenary $100k a year to do the job and add it to our bill. Maybe if someone figured out how much we all owe because of an out of control government and corrupt central bank we would be stirred to action....OK, here are my figures...right now the country is officially $14,500,000,000,000 in debt on the books, divide that by 300 million Americans that means that every man, woman, and child owes a bank, foreign government, or wall street investor about $50,000, that does not include the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare. Even if we stopped promising new benefits right now, current promises are estimated to be $100+ trillion dollars. So in reality every person in the US needs to pay the Government closer to $400,000 each-plus interest. They say some of that will be re-distributed to us after being paid into the government coffers. My question is why do we need the middle man? The government is awfully reckless with money. I take personal responsibility for my life and don't need or want any big brother government assistance but I also don't want them to steal from me to give it to someone else. The health care bill is a joke. Sure Government inc. may be getting out from under some unfunded Medicare liabilities but they are forcing it right back on us and it will be even more expensive now that they've gotten for profit insurance companies involved. It takes a big ego to fix a problem with another problem.

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress Well then get on the ballot and REPEAL this crap. Make the impossible happen. No tuckin tail and heading for the hills, it's time to stand tall. It's a good idea to have a plan B but lets start with plan A. Please send comments with your thoughts.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Alex Jones and The RFID Mark of the Beast

Alex Jones is a real American Patriot. I highly recommend his website.

This next one is raw, you've bee warned.

Alex Jones in the belly of the beast. From "Of Goats and Men" blog.

I've noticed certain email keeps arriving in my inbox habitually late. Email from the NRA and Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty specifically. This email must be getting screened by our police state government before being released. My most recent letter from the Campaign for Liberty was sent on Thursday the 25th and I just received it today on Sunday the 28th. The title of the email is "Stop Dodd’s Fed Empowerment Act" and it basically says call your senators to vote NO on Dodd's bill because it gives more power to the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate. When you understand the nature of private central banking you see that those who support it are C-R-I-M-I-N-A-L-S....


A friend of mine said I was taking the part in the bible about the mark of the beast too literally, am I?

The Obama Health care bill under Class II (Paragraph 1, Section B) specifically includes in it's lists of things that must be registered in the NATIONAL MEDICAL DEVICE REGISTRY: ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable."

Then on page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B:

14 ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to in
15 formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1),
16 including claims data, patient survey data, standardized
17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of
18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health
19 records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the
20 Secretary"

Text of H.R.3200 as Reported in House: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

class II device that is implantable?

Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is a "implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary."

Are Americans about to be chipped?

Obama Just Got His Private Army (WOOAAA...... just look for yourself!)

Leaked CIA Report: “Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters” In Waging Endless Wars (this is rich, the leaked document is there to read....I don't imagine they can leave the net up much longer.)

Large FBI, Homeland Security Operation Targets Militias in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio

These stories are coming out of do yourself a favor check it out and tell your friends.

The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

An Act of Treason by Members of the United States Congress?

One more cool website to add to the list.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

~Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What do you do?

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

~George Orwell

"Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves." - D.H. Lawrence

"Do the right things because the right things will happen. Don't just do the right things because the wrong things will happen if you don't" -Pete R. Pan

People ask me what do I do that's right to oppose all that is wrong, the more important question is what do you do? We ought to be living right and holding those accountable who aren't living right. I think it's even easier than that, if we all start living right there won't be room for anyone to live wrong. Hiding out in the woods is fine for a last ditch effort to prolong the trip. But why do we let a few that choose to live VERY wrong to do so at our expense?

1. Not everyone knows how wrong things are. Information sharing is very important. Once you know and develop some anger by knowing, you can do something productive with that energy.

2. Pimping and Prostitution, as long as we let them pay off our "representation" to bend us over nothing will change. Nobody seems to remember how good real freedom feels. What's more important, slaving away the best years of your life saving money to grow old, fat, and lazy on, or spending those years getting out and enjoying life? Instead of that stupid saying "who ever dies with the most toy wins" (which merchants and creditors love) we should celebrate who ever does the most good for everybody. Instead of thinking small time individual greed we should be greedy on a global scale. I want this whole damn world to be doing great, then me my neighbor and everyone I know will be having a good time and it will be a lot more fun. Its easy to steal from others to prop yourself up but it just makes the world shitty. If we are such a smart species can't we figure that out?

3. Giving up, Damn it who said it's time to give up and roll over? The fight is just beginning. Remember there is a lot more of us than there are of them. By following in their footsteps we validate their greed. Stuff isn't important, it comes and goes. Stuff bogs you down, the more you get the bigger container you need to put it all in. When your old and can't wipe your own ass how are you going to feel about your life? Is it really all about accumulating massive amounts of crap or is there something more to this experience?

What do I do? I scream at the top of my lungs of the things I don't agree with because not doing so is consent. What do you do?

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hey Vinekeeper,

As far as fighting for liberty and quoting New Hampshire's state motto "Live Free or Die" I am no longer under the delusion that major "events" happen by accident. The likely hood of being left alone in an ideal collapse scenario like in "The World Made by Hand" is slim. I can't hide in the woods and pretend it's not happening. As far as being a "sincere builder" and "building what's right" I believe it's already been built but we've let it go into serious disrepair. The founders of this country dealt with the same things that are happening now, they actually tried to put up every road block they could to slow it down. By not continuing to declare our freedom we not only forget our heritage (as you point out) but we actually allow the weeds to take root in this beautiful garden.

In responce to flapping your arms:

I took on the title of Pete R. Pan after building my sailboat Tinkerbelle. Check it out if you haven't seen it: The reason behind the name was Tinkerbelle took the kids to neverland where they always had fun and never grew old kinda like in the bible when it says "you must become as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven". One thing that I noticed early in life is that most older people where grumpy, miserable, and downright mean. I told myself I would never be like that. If growing up means that you turn into a jerk than I don't want to have anything to do with it. Experience has shown me how life can screw with you and make you forget where you came from. There is alot to be upset about here, and it's hard not to shout about how wrong it is. If everyone really does know how bad it is, how come they all go along with it?

I sign maybe five petitions a week, I call senators and congressman sometime multiple times in the same day. I was sending out lots of emails till a few people got upset about it and I started up the blog again. If the silent majority would speak up things probably wouldn't have gotten to this point. This is a government of those that participate and it's mostly corporations.

They've broken through our lines because of our apathy. Freedom states drawing a line in the sand is the next line of defense. I'm ready to vote with my feet and go where personal freedom is defended. The future is going to be pretty bad for who's ever left to inhabit it unless we try to make it better. I could go as far out into the woods as possible and live out my days but I wouldn't be helping anybody but myself. How can you be happy when you know that so many aren't? Is there a greater purpose to being here than eating and shitting? It would be nice if the trail was in a little bit better shape for the next guy.

Please don't use my name on the blog, I want to stay anonymous. I couldn't figure out how to take my name off your post so I deleted the whole thing. Not to mention I was sorta ticked at you at first, but I not only forgive you but I thank you for the energy.

My community is the one that supports each others freedom. I've been all over this country and halfway around the world. I know how to make friends and I can carve out my niche.

Action plan? My efforts as an armchair constituent aren't good enough!? :-( Imagine if hundred million did what little I do. So I'm going to tell everyone I know, I'm going to tell people I don't know. I want people to know they aren't alone, I want to know I'm not alone either.

I see no point in tip toeing through life to arrive safely at death. I am not going to contort myself to fit into the machine. I am not having any children, I was "fixed" several years ago. That doesn't mean that I hate people. We should be working for a better quality of life, it's directly proportionate to how tightly we are packed in here. Will the earth worshippers put us down with a wimper or a bang? The world they've designed doesn't look like anything I'd want my offspring to live in. Still, is it right the ones that are already here should be thrown to the jackals?

I think we need to stand with states that defend freedom, if that means a revolution or god forbid a civil war so be it.

Idaho Leads State Revolt Against Naked Body Scanners

Florida says several states to file healthcare lawsuit

Arizona Fights Back on Obamacare

Stopping Obamacare Rests With the States

"Anyone who tells you that 'It Can't Happen Here' is whistling past the graveyard of history. There is no 'house rule' that bars tyranny coming to America. History is replete with republics whose people grew complacent and descended into imperial butchery and chaos." -- Mike Vanderboegh : (1953- ) Alabama Minuteman

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is America is Dead?

It seems like America now only exists in history books. Everything that is happening right now is wrong, but when you flip around your perspective, cross your eyes a bit and think like a tyrant you can understand why.

The next logical step is to shut down the Internet. They can't have us freely sharing information with each other and realizing the full scope of his worldwide scam. I would expect these world government types to conduct a false flag Internet event, paint "terrorism" on it, and shut down all access to real information pretty soon. The
9/11 cat is out of the bag, more people wake up everyday and can see right through the lies. We are reaching a critical mass. The states are beginning to push back. The liars are chasing their tail trying to cover all this up. They need another shock and awe distraction to disrupt the developing culture and cut off the supply of information not under their control.

We are dealing with the same old run of the mill greed the world has dealt with for centuries. They think the same old tired crap they've always thought. Not that they're listening, but I do have some free advise. You'll never hold onto control through aggression and brute force, you make way to many enemies. Your not much of a leader if people curse you under their breath. If you did something REALLY great, who wouldn't want to stand with you? If you did something to benefit everyone on this rock we'd all move together. You'll never get someone to put their heart into it out of fear. A house built on lies and corruption will fall. Your time at the top will be limited.

Here are a few more good sites recently shared with me:

And a few old standbys:

Action alert!
Fed gets new oversight powers under Dodd bill The last thing we should do is give this currupt institution more power! Tell your congressmen and senators to support Ron Pauls bill to Audit the FED! Damn good for nothing prostitutes.

Read this article: The Last Hope I really like what the author says here. I'll move to any state that respects my personal freedom. Laws written that violate the constitution aren't laws, just words on paper. The constitution says any power not specifically designated to Washington belongs to the states and the people.

Big Hugs and Lots of Love,
Pete R. Pan

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Elusive Potato and The Mouse that Roared

I was out digging up last years spuds today, it's amazing how they multiply. Root vegetables are great. Not only is the potato a high energy food, but it doesn't require any refridgeration. Potatoes can be left in the ground all winter and you can dig them up as you need them or you can dig them up in the fall and store them inside. I tried three varieties last year, reds, whites, and blues... :-D Real American Fare! I found that the reds were the easiest to spot while I was digging followed closely by the whites. The blue potatoes however are very difficult to see, their dark skin looks the same as the dirt and they are fairly easy to mistake for a rock. I really enjoy eating blue potatoes, they are unique looking and I hear they are full of vitamins. If a hungry mob wanted to steal your potatoes they would have a hard time finding them if you planted blues, (but so would you). The top of the plants die off early in the year. You could have a huge covert potato patch that would be hard to identify. If you keep all your food stored in your house and you got robbed or your house burnt down you'd still have a huge patch of potatoes in the ground. A nice potato patch could keep you alive if things got tough. Even if someone was so desparate they started digging, they wouldn't know where to dig in the garden. If someone found the spot you grew them they'd still have to know what they were looking for to find a blue potato.

I am totally amazed by the amount of seed I harvested from my garden. Even now in the spring I found corn and beans that I mist last fall that are dry and ready to plant. New carots have already started to sprout up naturally from last years seed. I have got thousands of radish seeds from only a few plants that I let grow. Radishes are great, they grow really fast and you can have many harvests during the season.

It is really silly that a group of dominent men want to steal the world and then sell it back to us. It's all out there free to anyone willing to nurture it. This planet is full of abundance, don't let the "credit crises", "bailouts", or massive debts confuse you. These assholes plan to make indebted servants out of us through government hock and interest owed to the central banks (interest owed on money that never existed until it was borrowed!) To hell with them, when we all understand how stupid their game is we can walk away. It's no fun playing with them anyway.

Iceland, the Mouse that Roared
By Szandor Blestman

I thought I heard something the other night. It was a distant sound, a low rumbling, a roar from some far off beast that had finally pronounced its presence. It woke me for a second, but it was so distant I felt no threat and simply rolled over and went back to sleep. The next morning I learned that Iceland was taking a stand. It was refusing to pay its British and Dutch debts. It is claiming the debts are a result of fraud, and it's right. They have made the offer to pay some years from now, if they can afford it at that time, and only as a percentage of their GDP. This offer has been, of course, declined by Iceland's creditor banks as they demand payment in the form of real assets.

The Icelanders have grown a pair, so to speak. They are doing something I wish Americans would have done, or will do in the future. They are standing up to the privately owned banks that seem to think they are above the law, that they can change the rules at their whim, and that they alone know what's best for the world, which of course happens to empower them and help their profits. I may not agree with all the politics of Iceland. It might not be the bastion of freedom one looking to get away from intrusive government might run to, but I do admire their stance against the banksters.

Let's examine the situation a little closer. The Icelanders claim that private banks owe the money to other private banks, not taxpayers. The people who own the private banks should be responsible for paying back the creditor banks, not the people of Iceland. I agree wholeheartedly with that assessment. Furthermore, I would take it a step further and make the assertion that any government official voting for any public borrowing that requires payment of public funds for interest be held responsible, or their family be held responsible, should the loans go into default. In other words, these public officials should not be allowed to maintain their fortunes while the common folk are expected to pay for the mistakes they made. Perhaps that would help stop the corruption.

It seems that Iceland was fooled into the same ponzi scheme the rest of the world finds itself in. This all revolves around the fact that money in and of itself has no intrinsic value. It is just paper, for the most part, and in the modern world it is just data floating around in cyberspace. Even metal coins are made from cheap and common metals anymore. The fiat system devised by the central banks are designed to collapse at some point, and it's designed to collapse in such a way that the very few, very rich, very powerful end up with all the marbles. It's not enough to them, it seems, to be at the top of the heap, they have to be so high up and keep the common folk down so low as to be untouchable.

Those that own the banks now hope that they can swoop in and buy up the nation's infrastructure for pennies on the dollar, or in this case aurar on the krona. This is how they operate. They print money based on nothing but debt at negligible cost to themselves, then charge interest on that debt, interest that is never created by the way, and then when the debt can't be repaid they end up acquiring all the real wealth that's been created. It's a brilliant scheme in its simplicity. They end up with all the real wealth and they risk nothing of any real value. I could be wrong, but I think it's safe to say that the Icelanders figured this out when their creditor banks started demanding things like their geothermal power stations and other such publicly owned infrastructure as payment for their defaulted loans. They cried "foul!" - as well they should having played by the rules all this time - and charged that they had been defrauded. They may well have shocked the establishment with their refusal to pay the extortion.

One may well ask, "Is this the fate that awaits all nations?" How many nations in the world today are in the same boat as Iceland? How many are having problems just servicing the interest on their debt? I dare say it would be easier to count the nations that weren't experiencing debt trouble. And one could rightly ask where all the money has gone. Certainly the debt hasn't been put back into the economy to create more wealth. Indeed, I would venture a guess that there's trillions of dollars, euros, yens, pounds, francs, marks, you name it, stashed away in vaults somewhere just waiting for the day when they can be used again, money that should no longer exist that somehow found its way into secret vaults that also shouldn't exist.

It is interesting to note that the biggest banks, the ones that managed to get bailed out by US tax dollars rather than made to liquidate, are intimately connected to the same international bankers who own the central banks across the globe. Indeed, Goldman Sachs seems to have become a "bank of the world," so to speak, as it has its fingers in a little bit of everyone's pies these days. It is also interesting to note that their largest competitors were allowed to fail, effectively setting them up with monopoly privileges. That's how the power banking elite want it, all the money in their hands and all the corporations under their thumb as they monopolize the issuance of currency and credit. Everyone will have to do as they say or they will quickly become bankrupt and destitute. Such is the power of monopoly.

One may well wonder what happens next. The British and Dutch have threatened economic sanctions should the Icelanders fail to fall in line, but is this how we want to treat our brethren? Is this how we want to treat our allies that stood by us in the darkest of times? Do we now just shun people we consider friends simply because they stand up for what they believe is right? Do we go so far as to commit an act of war on such a democratic nation because they recognize a fraud when they see one? This situation should get everyone thinking. The corruption now exposed is so grievous and obvious that we should all realize the time has come to obliterate the current system and deny any power to those who brought this situation to bear.

It is once again time to set up a system of money based on labor instead of debt. We should have a system where free people are able to own property outright, not have to borrow to afford it and then worry that an uncaring bank may come and claim it should one find one´s self in financial trouble. Similarly, it is very disturbing that government can claim private property via eminent domain and non payment of property taxes as if they feel they already own the land you pay for. These wrongs have needed correction for a long time now and hopefully the actions of the Icelanders will help start the ball rolling.

While the Greeks are rioting because they worry their entitlements will be taken away, the Icelanders have been able to take a more direct roll in the political process. The Greeks may well feel they have been left out of the political process, much like many Americans feel at this point in time as we watch the congress blatantly ignore the wishes of the common folk time and again. The bailouts, the wars, the passing of laws violating our rights and the health care bills are all examples of the minority political class ignoring the wishes of the majority to the detriment of society. The Icelanders may have to pay a price for their bravery, but they are finding their way back to freedom and self reliance.

We have been dependent on these banks for far too long and they have taken advantage of it. They have threatened our lawmakers with martial law and economic destruction. They have refused to honor the will of the people and answer questions involving how they´ve spent our money. As I write this, a very few senators, Bob Corker (R-TN), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), are working to strip the Audit the Fed amendment from the Financial Reform Bill and give the Federal Reserve even more power. This will assure they will never be held accountable for the wrongs they have done. These senators need to be shown in no uncertain terms that we the people have had enough and will not obey their dictates and whims any longer.

We as a society need to start producing again. We need to start competing with others who wish to produce. This is how wealth is created. The more wealth we create, the more prosperous we all become. For a few decades now, we have tried to maintain our lifestyles with a service economy. It didn´t work. Now the economy is collapsing worldwide. Now the banks are hoarding that which they created and are trying to claim the real wealth that should be owned by private sovereigns. We need to ask ourselves, can we be proactive and stop this before we wake up and find ourselves in the same boat as Iceland? If not, will we simply say no and refuse to pay as they did, or will we allow our society to break down and resort to violence as the Greeks? Don´t let a few politicians on the bankster´s payroll dictate what needs to be done. Demand action now. Roar louder than the Icelanders. Hopefully, we will find justice later. Hopefully, we can avoid the fate of nations that remain on the central banker´s preferred course

This article was pulled from:

I highly recomend checking them out!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Critique of the Financial Elites plan for NWO

The plan concocted for the world by a few turds floating at the top is becoming clearer. I now understand their plan a little better and I've been comparing it to my own world view. I have found that I agree with them about a few things. This world has a human problem, there is WAY too many of us here all at once. The zealous consumption of a material lifestyle is depleting the world of resources. Like guppies in a fish bowl or active yeast fermenting wine we can only multiply and expand to fill our limited space and supplies. Machines and fossil fuel has allowed humans to populate way beyond the natural solar holding capacity of the earth. I've understood that for years. So while I do agree that the population needs a drastic reduction I think it's possible through education and voluntary reduction. I think if people are told the truth they will come to the logical conclusion.

What I don't agree with is how the shadow elite run an ongoing campaign of lies and distraction. Real leaders stand in the light and include the population in coming up with solutions. The world banksters have a long history of acting in their own self interest. They have done nothing that would make me believe that they now intend to do anything in the interest of the species. Years of crimes perpetrated against humanity for their own selfish gain show the international financiers for what they really are. Given their track record I expect the depopulation of the world will be pretty sinister.

If I were to try to think like them (which may be hard since I feel empathy towards other humans beings) I would say that they want to exterminate a number of us. After years of robbery and privileged living at the expense of everyone else they feel as though the world belongs to them. We are burning up THEIR limited supplies of oil, fresh water, fish, steel, etc... in order to live out our lives, eat, and reproduce. We've become a problem because of our exponential growth. I would like to point out that they not only facilitated that growth but encouraged it during the capitalist years. Because they constantly lie to us through their media investments, it really is all their fault. We've been purposely kept stupid so that we don't figure out what they're doing. The power elite know what they do is wrong, that is what they stay in the shadows.

So,to summarize I have come to the conclusion that they are sad ugly creatures that have no soul. You could easily consider them less than human since they've cut all ties to what it feels like to be human.

Now that I've bad mouthed them really good. Let's do it a little bit more. The planned police state world is sad and horrifying. Checkpoints, radio tracking, and biometric ID have no place in the happy free world of my imagination. We are headed toward a sick perversion of the life experience. When one looks to the future through the lens that is being handed to us, anarchy looks a lot better. We can only hope that when the puppet masters perpetrate the next false flag attack that it fails to bring about the intended result. Hopefully people begin to see through the lies and condemn the real criminals. I hope that there are some good guys in the FBI, I've heard of the Oath Keepers. We need allies to go after these high criminals in the government and international finance. They need to be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity.

Power To The People!

Faber and Mish: We're Doomed and Washington Can't Do Anything About It. (Government has sold us out to the banks. Time to become friends with Iceland.)

First Iceland, then the World The people of Iceland aren't letting the banksters push them around. That's how the United States of America got started, remember?

Story on Mystery Substance Distracts from Fact Fluoride is a Deadly Killer

The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars

Texas removes Thomas Jefferson From Textbooks The Texas board of Education decided to drop Jefferson from a world history section devoted to great political thinkers...HAHAHAHA!

Quotes of the Day:

A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.

~ Thomas Jefferson

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.

~ Thomas Jefferson

Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, it is their only capital.

~ Thomas Jefferson (one of the most devoted statesman this country has every known)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Terrible Lie

From their position of power, as the financiers of governments, the banking elite have over time perfected their methods of control. Staying always behind the scenes, they pull the strings controlling the media, the political parties, the intelligence agencies, the stock markets, and the offices of government. And perhaps their greatest lever of power is their control over currencies. By means of their central-bank scam, they engineer boom and bust cycles, and they print money from nothing and then loan it at interest to governments. The power of the banking elites is both subtle and absolute...

"Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

--President Woodrow Wilson

Crashing Towards a New World Social Order 2012 Richard K. Moore puts it all together in this article. He has a very clear understanding of the big picture, what's happening and why. I highly recommend it.

20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State

Quote of the day:

"It is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong."


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Web Newz...

Washington Post Calls Yukihisa Fujita’s 9/11 Ideas “Bizarre… Fantasy” Read this and tell me what you think. Does a real credible newspaper typically take such a biased view? Or would they dig further into the possible story? They have clearly disclosed themselves. Who owns your propaganda machine err... I mean newspaper? If there's nothing to hide than a real investigation would prove that. Calling a prominent member of the Japanese government names for bringing up valid questions about 9/11 has totally discredited the Washington Compost.

Schumer, Graham Use Immigration to Push National Biometric ID Card The globalist pigs must pay congressmen and senators to push this kind of crap. NO... If they require you to have biometric ID in order to work, I guess I won't work and I'll quit driving. Everyone needs to get involved, we need to tell these assholes where to go.

Do You Feel Free Anymore? This is a really good article, I can totally identify with the author. I highly recommend this read.

Collapse of the American Empire: Swift, Silent, Certain

Williams: Expect Hyperinflation Within the Next 5 Years

Quote of the Day:

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin

Monday, March 8, 2010

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.

A friend of mine said today "The revolution will start with a man holding a shovel not a gun." He may be correct. If people voted against the big brother nanny state by providing for themselves and choosing to not participate in the scam we may have a peaceful revolution on our hands! Government only has the power that we give them, or so we're taught. Unfortunately, the creation of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank has given government power through valueless paper currency printed without our consent. To lead the charge during the Modern American Revolution we will be called to sacrifice. When we decide to no longer participate in a grossly corrupt system we begin to take it's power away. I just thought of that old saying: "just because everyone else is jumping off a cliff doesn't mean you should too." The country was led to the cliff in 1913 with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act and federal income taxes the same year (no coincidence). So we see that the illness is cancer (aka Fed). We've discovered the blood vessels keeping this tumor alive (phony money system charging us interest on money printed out of thin air). Now for the cure, this part involves sacrifice. We have to starve the tumor. We need to cut off the beast from getting a piece of every productive thing that a human can do. The beast doesn't produce anything of value, the product they push is debt. So your asking "what is it you want me to do?" Well for starters we must reduce ourselves to hunter gatherers and peasants. :-D hahaha! OK, not totally. hahahaha! Seriously though the interconnectedness of modern society really is good. Not all of us need to be farmers but that would help. Our basic need is food and you don't need money for that when you make it yourself. When you are self sufficient it won't matter what kind of carrot they hang in front of you, you don't need it. Quit using credit cards, using them raises the price of goods for everyone. Credit card companies (banks) charge merchants a percentage for accepting them, that raises the price of the product creating a hidden tax for the beast. Basically don't buy and sell, the beast imposes its unjust taxes on both sides. Make as little money as possible or none at all. Starving the beast will involve this kind of sacrifice unless our representatives repeal the Federal Reserve Act, until then a little bit of all you do goes to feeding the beast. Barter as much as possible for goods and services. If you don't make much money the beast won't either. If you don't have land try guerrilla gardening or sharing with others. Live Free, Be Free.

Fiat money is a hamster wheel. All new money is debted into creation and you must constantly go further into debt to pay the original debt plus the mounting interest. Under this currupt system of private for profit cental banking we will NEVER have a balanced budget. The original intention is for us to be forever enslaved under a mountain of unpayable debt. HELLO! CAN YOU HERE ME NOW!? WHY ARE ALL THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE WHOLE WORLD IN DEBT? WHY DOES THE US OWE $14,000,000,000,000 TRILLION DOLLARS?

Iceland Voters Set to Reject Debt Deal This is what freedom looks like

Losing Control of the US Debt Machine

Time for a U.S. Revolution – Fifteen Reasons The 1776 Declaration of Independence stated that when a long train of abuses by those in power evidence a design to reduce the rights of people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it is the peoples right, in fact their duty to engage in a revolution. Look at what our current system has brought us and ask if it is time for a revolution? By Bill Quigley

Six year old kindergartner suspended for making gun shape with hand Seriously you can't make this stuff up

Dissenters To Be Detained As “Enemy Belligerents”? A reader recently asked so what's next? I submit to you the un-patriotizing of America.

IMF suggests how to raise climate change funds All you really need is the headline. Have you heard the term follow the money?

Proof that 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous Acurate list of those we should be worried about (if we where trying to create a huge coverup that is.)

To Hell In A Handbasket

Mullen Wary of Israeli Attack on Iran

Saturday, March 6, 2010

You can't handle the Truth!.....Can YOu?

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie' (He's Right)

Thousands demand 9/11 reinvestigation

Health Freedom Victory - Or Is It? McCain's supplement hostile HR 3002 PROBABLY withdrawn, but provisions could be added to Harkin's Food Fascism Bill, S. 510.

Humor: Prepared Police Fail

Largest Private Refinery Discovers Gold-Plated Tungsten Bar It's sad and funny that the US mint has had to suspend the minting of gold bullion coins several times over the past few years because they ran out of gold. "Officially" the US is the largest holder of gold in the world. They are doing a good job of guarding all that tungsten down in Fort Knox.

Quote of the Day:

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. ~Albert Einstein

Know you are not alone on this planet. There are many like you but not exactly like you. Keep your heart warm with love and silliness. The firery glow you carry won't let the cold darkness get near you. The more you spread the light, the more light there will be in the hearts of others. Start at home and shine outward.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Health, the Unintended Consequence of Economic Depression.

One hopeful consequence of having more time on our hands will be health, maybe even some happiness. In the rush to go nowhere during the twentieth century we had definitely sacrificed both. Fast food became the norm, nobody had the time to pay attention to what they were eating while they rushed off to their important jobs. Progress removed the need for natural exercise from our daily routine. We’d wake up in the morning and take a seat in our car, drive to work where the “educated” had a desk job where they could sit all day, then we’d go back to sitting in our car for the drive home and plop down on the couch till it was time for bed. Is it really any wonder why so many are obese? Progress has reduced us to meat bags on a stick. (I'm aware of the irony of that picture of me at the top of this blog ;-P ) Once you’ve put on 400 or 500 pounds you decide to get a gym membership to remind your body what it’s like to move. It’s silly that we now PAY to do meaningless physical labor, (real progress).

If more people started gardening again it would benefit us in many ways. I know what you're thinking, “only a peasant slave would say such a thing” or “we don’t need to do that anymore” ;-) While it’s true big agro-business has taken over food production for the masses, is it really an improvement? Do you think Monsanto’s genetically modified corn is better for you than the original? How about DuPont's variety? Are all the chemical fertilizers and pesticides used to grow it improving your health? Curing cancer isn’t some mystical far out breakthrough. It’s easy, quit eating chemicals that don’t belong in your body. If a pesticide sprayed on a food plant kills other critters are we really so brain dead that we think it won't harm us when WE eat it?

Taking control of what fuels your body is real progress. Big corporations don’t care about you, they only care about the bottom line. Congress votes in favor of who pays them the most. Don’t expect Big Brother to make decisions that are going to keep you healthy. That is your responsibility. There is an alternative however to putting yourself in the warm sunshine and having the satisfaction of turning the soil. A growing number of organic supermarkets offer food the way God intended for double or triple the price and it’s totally worth it. When you consider the cost of health complications down the road from eating garbage and how you feel day to day the choice becomes clear. If you've got the money to pay for it that's great, but I feel that growing food yourself is even more rewarding. There is something magic about springtime, the sun comes out and the earth warms up.

There is a certain sense of security knowing you can provide for yourself. As the diseased central banks spread sickness though the governments of the world and they begin to die, the probability of chaos seems likely. Depending on that system to support us is insane. While the system still has a heart beat it seems prudent to begin cultivating some gardening skills. This way you have something to fall back on as you are learning. If you wait till all hell brakes loose before you plant your first seed, crop failure will be more than a learning experience. Oh yeah, did I mention it's fun to be outside in the sunshine? If you get started this year, those little seed packs that you buy will multiply. If you purchase some open pollinated heirloom variety seeds (the natural non-hybrid type you can replant generation after generation) and save the seeds, the second year you will have enough seeds to plant a field.

If we are lucky the current depression will become so bad most of us will have to revert back to small scale farming, and we will be much healthier for it. It will improve our health both physically and nutritionally, and if I may be so bold, I think it will improve our spiritual health as well.

To learn more about Codex Alimentarious, the McCain/Harkin (Fake) Food and Supplement “Safety” Bills, and other immediate threats to your health. Visit this link.

A friend of mine turned me on to this video, I like it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Internet a Gigantic Spying Machine!?

I checked it out, Cryptome is fantastic. Want to know how your being spied on, and by whom? The information on this site will blow your mind. This is scary stuff folks.

Thank the Founders for the 1st Amendment....Lets do it together, thank you, thank you, thank you. Be suspicious of corporations and politians who want to deny you your rights. Now wouldn't you agree that Microsoft, Google, and others are violating our 4th Amendment rights by spying on us without consent or warrant through their software? It's too bad most politians are sell outs. Wouldn't it be nice if they defended our freedoms instead of taking them away. I've often thought we'd be better off paying them to stay home.

Wikileaks~ This is why the 1st Amendment is important. Real investigative journalism.

What's your take on all this? I'd love to get an idea of what visitors of "The Marble Bag" think about what's going on. What do you think of warrantless wiretapping? Central Banks? Government? The content of this blog? Please leave an anonymous comment at the bottom of this post.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Sanity

Bill Gates: Use Vaccines To Lower Population

Greenspan: Worst Financial Crisis EVER, INCLUDING the Great Depression

IMF Says New Reserve Currency to Replace Dollar Is Possible

Extended jobless benefits start ending

Americans Reliance on Government at all time high

Short Selling Restrictions "A Great Indicator of Imminent Market Crashes"

Alex Jones TV Sunday Edition: The Patriot Act – Banking Elite’s Trojan Horse for a Police State

Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us

Good quote I stole from
Survivalblog today:

"Paper money was born with the seed of self-destruction within. This is why the Founding Fathers mandated that only gold and silver coin can pass as legal tender; and no bills of credit (promissory notes: i.e. Federal Reserve Notes). Our Constitution is quite clear on this issue." - Douglas V. Gnazzo

H.R. 45, the “Catch-All” Obama Gun Control Bill, which would create a national gun registry, require a two-day waiting period, hike taxes on gun sales, federally ban ALL private firearms sales, and FORCE you to take a written exam just to prove you’re “fit” to own a firearm;

H.R. 2159, the Disarming American Citizens Act allowing anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder to revoke the Second Amendment rights of ANY American he chooses based on pure “suspicion”

A new so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban, targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns -- which, unlike the Clinton ban, will NEVER expire;

The U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty,” which would confiscate and destroy ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms and set the stage for INTERNATIONAL gun confiscation.

The 2nd amendment Reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Early American settlers viewed the right to keep and bear arms important for these purposes

* deterring undemocratic government;
* repelling invasion;
* suppressing insurrection;
* facilitating a natural right of self-defense;
* participating in law enforcement

[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
---James Madison

Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive.
---Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution (Philadelphia 1787).

During the Massachusetts ratifying convention William Symmes warned that the new government at some point "shall be too firmly fixed in the saddle to be overthrown by anything but a general insurrection." Yet fears of standing armies were groundless, affirmed Theodore Sedwick, who queried, "if raised, whether they could subdue a nation of freemen, who know how to prize liberty, and who have arms in their hands?"

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. ---Patrick Henry

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.---Ben Franklin 1775

In many ways we have already been disarmed. The strength of a citizen militia is in numbers but government armies have all the big guns. Modern weapons have taken away the balance I believe the founding fathers had envisioned in the second amendment. It is a big joke that these crackpots in Washington want to restrict gun rights in this country to eliminate gang violence in Mexico. Who are they kidding? Automatic weapons haven't been legal for purchase by civilians in this country since 1986. Now they seem determined to take semi-automatic weapons away for good too. I wonder how many years till they outlaw sticks and stones. As it's been said by the founding fathers, the 2ND amendment gives liberty it's "teeth". However when you compare the forces of hell our modern army can bring down on anyone in the world it really makes you wonder, are they really so afraid of us? Could we rise up one day reclaim our freedom? I don't think our gluttonous representatives need any help in tearing down the empire they created for themselves. They've sucked the country dry. Believe me I despise the Federal Reserve for the crooked institution that it is, but when Ben pulled the plug on congress I paused for a second to say thanks. I mean the Fed did it for their own self interest. The International Bankers can't be scene trashing their paper money, that would be bad for business. Not that it matters though, the debt is too much to pay back and they know it. The classic deal with the devil, sink or swim. As we sink, the New World currency will be ushered in and the shadow world government with it. It's hardly behind the curtain anymore, it's sorta like when you are little and find out about Santa Claus. One thing is for sure, truth is stranger than fiction. I recommend you start gardening and practice general self sufficiency. You probably shouldn't wait to buy that "Assault rifle" you've always wanted either.

Whoa! Hold the phone did I just say that! I must be brainwashed if I'm thanking the Fed for something. I feel like that character in Orwell's book that was so beaten down in the end he finally loved big brother. Holy shit, the whole reason the Federal Reserve came to be was because they claimed that a private bank outside the government would be free from corruption. HAH! It only looks that way right now because they've had their political pawns on a spending spree for years. Mark my words these banksters are going to use this huge deficit as an example of how important it is to have a private central bank control our money because our congress is out of control. The only thing is the central bank caused all this to happen in the first place! It's the elite banking families that have controlled international finance for the last few hundred years that are pulling the strings. See The Money Changers (this is the biggest story on the whole website.)